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West Nile Virus Detection Continues in La Quinta

Truck Mounted Adult Mosquito Control Planned

Posted on: June 20, 2024 at 4:00pm

Coachella Valley, CA: The Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District is scheduling adult mosquito control applications in La Quinta, as a result of increased West Nile Virus activity in the area. The District will carry out truck-mounted ultra-low volume (ULV) applications to decrease the number of mosquitoes, and to reduce the risk of virus transmission to people.

Mosquito control applications are scheduled in the following area:

La Quinta

Where: The application area is within the boundaries of Airport Blvd (north), Avenue 62 (south), Madison St. (west), and Monroe St (east).

When: June 22-24, from 1am-7am, weather permitting.

A map of the area can be viewed on our website.

To ensure the maximum impact of the adult mosquito control operation, the District requests that residents in the applications areas remain inside while the trucks are going down their streets. Signs will be posted along the route informing residents of the control efforts. All control products used by the District are registered by the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of controlling mosquitoes and protecting public health. The products are applied according to label instructions by trained and certified technicians. Although mosquito control pesticides and the techniques used pose low risks, the District recommends that people who want to avoid exposure, as a best practice, stay inside or away from the application area during and for 30 minutes following the application. For More information about the scheduled applications, visit the District’s website

No human cases of WNV have been reported in the Coachella Valley in 2024. It is Imperative that residents continue to wear insect repellent when outdoors to reduce the risk of mosquito-borne virus transmission. The District recommends EPA-registered insect repellents containing at least thirty percent of an active ingredient like DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535, not essential oils. Additionally, residents can dump and drain any standing water around their homes to reduce potential mosquito breeding sources.

Prevent mosquito bites and prevent mosquitoes around your home:

·      Don’t go outside around dawn and dusk when these mosquitoes are most active.

·      Wear insect repellent. EPA registered ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 (as directed on the product label).

·      Check window and door screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

·      Check lawn drains for water and debris. Clean drains regularly.

·      Prevent irrigation run-off to street-side catch basins

·      Inspect yards for standing water sources.

·      Drain water that collects under potted plants, bird baths, tires, and any other water holding containers.

·      Clean and scrub pet dishes and water features weekly.

·      Swimming pools, ponds, and fountains require working pumps and regular maintenance.

About West Nile Virus: WNV spreads when a female mosquito bites an infected bird. The mosquito then can become a carrier and transmit the virus to people.

6.20.24 La Quinta ULV.pdf6-20-24 La quinta ULV Spanish.pdf


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